
Beaucaniche Kinder Hearts Content(DMWYD 3Km)

Miya is the daughter of our Bronwyn. She is currently pointed and has a competition win with the United Kennel Club. She is also pointed with the Canadian Kennel Club. She is a beautiful well structured brown poodle. Miya is titled with Do More With your Dog 3Km


Can Ch., U. Ch. Beaucaniche A Star Is Born CGN


Barbra is the daughter of our Vivette. She is a smaller girl with a short back and a beautiful head and balanced angulation. She is both a United Kennel Club Champion and a Canadian Kennel Club Champions (her win photo will be added soon). She was shown exclusively by me in the bred by exhibitor class. She has her Canadian Kennel Club Canine Good Neighbour. She is a lovely girl who gets on well with other dogs. She does love people but needs to warm up to them first. Once she warms up to them she is very very friendly. She is a blue poodle that carries for Brown (Cafe Au Lait) as her mom is a cafe au lait.



U.Ch.Beaucaniche Raven Quintessential Maranda

Maranda is the daughter of our Despina. She is a beautiful dominant black girl who has achieved her United Kennel club Championship.She is multi-pointed towards her CKC championship. She has completed obedience classes. She is a happy, exuberant when meeting people and a joy to love. She was show by a young junior to help the junior get overall best junior. She truly is a lovely girl. Her CKC win photo will be added soon.

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Can & U. GRAND CH Kinder Beaucaniche Mio Despina CGN

Despina is a happy, friendly and very biddable girl. She quickly earned her United Kennel Club Championship. She also earned her Canadian Championship, very minimal showing at 15 months of age. She attained her Grand Championship in UKC, winning breed numerous time with group placements. She attained her CKC Canine Good Neighbour at 1 year of age.
We are proud to announce that Despina was in the TOP TEN for UKC Conformation Solid Standard Poodles for the year 2017. She was eligible to compete in June at the Premier but I could not make that trek.


Can & U. CH Beaucaniche Joie De Vivre RN PCD CGN URO2 SPOT CRNMCL(Vivette)

Our lovely shining star from our 2015 litter..she is our fabulous cafe girl. She earned her Canadian Championship at 11 months old. She also earned her UKC championship when she was two and 1/2 years old, winning breed and a group 3rd. She was shown in a pet trim. Vivette loves to retrieve and swim and is a very attentive and clever girl. She has earned her rally novice titles in three venues and is working towards advanced titles. She does have her Rally Advanced Title in United Kennel Club. She also has proven to be a wonderful ambassador to the breed with her CKC good neighbour and her UKC SPOT. She also has her Companion Dog title (CD). She is retired.

Can & UKC Ch. Beaucaniche Ever In Our Hearts (Bronwyn)


Bronwyn was shown very minimally when she was a senior puppy. She achieved a best puppy in group and best puppy in specialty show during this time. Bronwyn achieved her Canadian Championship the weekend she came out in the 12-18 mos category. She is also UKC Grand Champion and earned group placements along the way. Bronwyn also her her CKC Canine Good Neighbour Certificate at the London Kennel Club Show.


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MBPIG Can. and RBIMBS UKC Ch Beaucaniche Mon Petit Chou RN URO1 CGN HIC (Mimi)

MBPIG Ch. Beaucaniche Mon Petit Chou CGN (Multiple Best Puppy in Group Wins)

MBIG Ch.U Ch. Beaucaniche Mon Petit Chou RN URO1 CGN(Mimi)Rally Novice Title Ribbons.

Mimi earned multiple best puppy in breeds during her show career. Mimi quickly earned her UKC championship. She earned the distinction of RESERVE BEST IN SHOW in her second show. She is the Dam of two Champions. She is also the Dam of a spectacular performance boy who has been certified as his owner's service dog. Mimi is retired.


Ch. Beaucaniche Raven Marlisse CGN HIC

Marlisse is our first homebred Champion. I am very proud that she is the very first dog I showed in the conformation ring and I got her first points as a major win. Marlisse is no longer with us, and we miss her immensely. We are lucky to see her in her daughter, son, grand child and great grand children.


Beaucaniche Raven Misstarry CGN (Starla)

Starla was a blue standard poodle. She had an absolute joy of life. She exuded happiness. She is A constant friend and loved to play with the other dogs. She was a small girl at only 22" and 45 lbs. She earned her Canine Good Neighbour and attended many obedience classes. She was never used in our breeding program, but was a cherished and beloved pet, we miss terribly.

MBPIG Can & U. Ch. Meridian's Beaucaniche Matilde CGN

Shown, and health tested but never bred. She has a genetic heart condition. She is NOT from our Breeding! She was purchased from Meridian Standard Poodles to add to our breeding program at great expense to us. We adhered to her contract and she was shown and health tested as the contract laid out. But the breeder did not have the ethics to reimburse us for selling us a bitch that could not be bred. We would never breed her with this condition as we have the best interest of our beloved poodles and the poodle breed as our first priority.


Bellefleet Raven Lucky Lizette RN CRNmcl URO2 CGN HIC (Lizzie)


Bellefleet Raven Lucky Lizette RN CRN CGN and Can. UKC Ch. Beaucaniche Cosi Fan Tutti RA URO1 CGN

receiving their Rally Novice Titles at the Kent Kennel Club Show.


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